Stack & Queue

2 minute read

Learning stack and queue in Java with Udemy course - Practical Data Structures & Algorithms in Java


  • FILO (First In Last Out)
  • “top” indicates the index point where insertion and deletion happens
  • push() for insertion and pop() for deletion are the primary operations
public class Stack {

	private int maxSize;
	private long[] stackArray;
	private int top; // represent the index position of the last(recent) item

	public Stack(int size) {
		this.maxSize = size;
		this.stackArray = new long[maxSize]; = -1;

	public void push(long j) {
		if (isFull()) {
			System.out.println("The stack is already full!");
		} else {
			this.stackArray[top] = j;

	public long pop() {
		if (isEmpty()) {
			System.out.println("The stack is already empty!");
			return -1;
		} else {
			int oldTop = top;
			return stackArray[oldTop]; // the actual data is not removed, only the pointer is reduced

	public long peak() {
		return stackArray[top];

	public boolean isEmpty() {
		return (top == -1);

	public boolean isFull() {
		return (maxSize - 1 == top);


  • FIFO (First In First Out)
  • “front” indicates the index point where deletion happens
  • “rear” indicates the index point where insertion happens
  • Data will be inserted at the “rear” point but deleted from the “front” point
  • enQueue() for insertion and deQueue() for deletion are the primary operations
public class Queue {

	private int maxSize; // initialize the set number of slots
	private long[] queArray; // slots to maintain the data
	private int front; // the index position for the element in the front
	private int rear; // the index position for the element at the back of the line
	private int nItems; // count to maintain the number of items in our queue
	public Queue(int size) {
		this.maxSize = size;
		this.queArray = new long[size];
		this.front = 0; // index position of the first slot of the array.
		this.rear = -1; // there is no item in the array yet to be considered as the last item.
		this.nItems = 0; // no element in the array yet
	public void insert(long j) {
		if (rear == maxSize -1) {
			rear = -1; // circular queue - we can set rear back to -1 so we can just overwrite data
		queArray[rear] = j;
	public long remove(){
		long temp = queArray[front];
		if (front == maxSize) {
			front = 0; // we can set front back to the 0th index to utilize the entire array again
		return temp;
	public long peekFront() {
		return queArray[front];
	public boolean isEmpty() {
		return (nItems == 0);
	public boolean isFull() {
		return (nItems == maxSize);
	public void view() {
		System.out.print("[ ");
		for(int i = 0; i <queArray.length; i++) {
			System.out.print(queArray[i] + " ");



Practical Data Structures & Algorithms in Java